We all know really well that Antigua got so many beautiful white sand beaches! I never counted, but they say should be 365 – a beach per day and you got busy all year round… On one of the trips, after visiting one of beaches my attention was taken by blooming plants. I then got to my camera, and here are some of the flowers I found…
Frangipani. Frangipani flowers are highly scented during nights and are used in bouquets used in wedding ceremonies. The flowers symbolize the love and devotion between two people. I also found that The Buddhism saw the Frangipani flower as a symbol of new life and renewal!

Below is the one we know as Azalea, also called Desert Rose. I guess the name says for itself – can survive in the hot climate with shortage of water…

Here is the plant with really small white flowers that I could not find the name for. These tiny flowers smelled so nicely! If you know the name – let mw know!

Below is a well known Hibiscus. No need to mention that this is the plant so well spread out an all Caribbean Islands. I saw the flowers in pink, almost white and deep red colours. There is a variety that looks like roses and also added to bouquets for weddings and other occasions. There is also a possibility to grow one indoors.

While walking along the beach I saw this interesting flower. It has such a bright red flowers of a very unusual shape. After some search, I think this is Erythrina Variegata, also known as Tiger’s claw or Indian coral tree. I found that the plant’s leaves, bark and stems have a lot of uses in India (I guess there are different species of same). In Antigua is is grown purely for decoration purposes.

Its almost as if the island has a flower contest! Here is Bougainvillea, that is covered by flowers all year round – what a festive bush!

Here is the plant someone told me is called Monkey Pea! I found that it is possibly Vigna Luteola (Wild Pea), but I like the Monkey Pea name. There is no monkeys in Antigua, probably name came from other places…

After all, the sun tired me out and I found a nice shady spot – right under the palm… And what a beautiful leaf it has!

If you like flowers and collect the postcards – check kimagic.com – lots of Caribbean postcards there…
Yes, gardens in resorts are well maintained. I wish the side of the road also have planted flowers grown.